Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Thinking Styles for Conflict Management - MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Examine about theThinking Stylesfor Conflict Management Evaluation. Answer: Every individual in the meeting holds distinctive view with respect to the savagery purportedly brought about by Islamic practices. Among the three members in the meeting, Camerota and Lemon had the equivalent clashing perspective against Reza Aslan. In any case, it is comprehended that Camerota and Lemo have a one-sided see with respect to the unique circumstance. They are progressively solid on the assessments of others as opposed to individual reasoning and perception. As everybody has an alternate point of view, it is conceivable that their viewpoint could prompt the further clash. Reza Aslan clarifies a noteworthy purpose of error of Islamic conviction. An enormous level of individuals around the globe build up an idea that world savagery is fundamentally brought about by the improper Islamic practices. Be that as it may, this is only a dubious proclamation, which can't be demonstrated essentially except if an individual depends on the conclusions as opposed to the realities. As indicated by Klepper (2014), Islam is a religion of harmony and it doesn't endure the wanton homicide. This announcement is very like the feeling out forward by Reza, where he referenced that the greater part of the individuals tend to pass judgment on the Islamic perspectives with a few genuine model. For instance, as Meher referenced that an enormous number of Muslims over the world accept that human should kick the bucket for only communicating an alternate view or drawing an animation or eloping with wrong individual, Muslim world has a few things regular with ISIS. Be that as it may, as Reza referenced that ISIS has an alternate political reason, which has nothing to do with the religion. Henceforth, Haddad and Harb (2014) referenced that Islamic sacred text doesn't hold such thought of slaughtering individuals for just eloping with an off-base individual. In any case, Camerato went up against with a strong idea as she in a roundabout way referenced that contrasted with different religions, Islam denies the privilege of ladies. Camerota could have kept demanding this specific poi nt referencing the social acts of some Muslim nations like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Maldives where Muslim ladies are not permitted to work autonomously. Likewise, Camerota ought to have given the case of some provincial Islamic nation like Nigeria where no one thinks about need of ladies training. The contention stayed in the meeting didn't convey any chance of dangers as every one of the members dealt with the conversation carefully with confirmations. Nonetheless, contrasted with other two members, Reza gave his sentiments some functional confirmations, which takes beat other in the discussion. In any case, however, Reza advances the ladies opportunity and portrayal by referencing the reality of Indonesia where people are fairly equivalent, lemon counterattacked Reza by giving the case of Pakistan where ladies were battered to the point of death. All things being equal, Reza settled the misinterpretation by referencing that is the inside issue of Pakistan, which has nothing to do with the Islamic perspectives. Reza could advance another reality where it is seen that at whatever point a psychological oppressor assaults, there are expanding requests for the Muslim world to apologize for the activities of some unsettled individuals. Regardless, individuals have a solid percepti on that at whatever point a frightful action happens, the guilty parties are inevitably seen as having a place with Muslim people group. These events have most likely helped individuals to build up the conviction that Muslim world is generally answerable for the expanding number of wrongdoing around over the globe (Htun and Weldon 2012). In addition, it is likewise seen that certifiable issue is ISIS, Taliban and other fanatic gatherings who abuses the name of Islam and complete frightful exercises (Al-Badayneh 2012). In any case, this could be frequently dubious, as individuals accept that what they watch. Despite the fact that, Reza demands censuring on some specific nations that limits the opportunity of ladies, many created Muslim nations don't speak loudly against outrages, for example, decapitating individuals. The developing quietness of worldwide Muslim people group on ISIS, fear assault of some specific Islamic gathering is expanding the scorn among individuals against the Muslim people group. Likewise, as Lemon referenced that if the nation like Pakistan, which is encircled by Islamic convictions or which advances Islam, can torment or slaughter ladies for unjustified reasons how they can legitimize their religion to the entire world. On the off chance that Islamic sacred writing denounces viciousness on la dies, how Islamic nations endure such shamefulness. Individuals have gotten progressively inquisitive about the administrative activities of those vote based countries (LaFree and Morris 2012). Individuals have the interest in regards to why administrative assemblages of those countries make no move against such brutality. References and Bibliography Al-Badayneh, D.M., 2012. Savagery against ladies in Jordan.Journal of family violence,27(5), pp.369-379. Berggren, N. what's more, Bjrnskov, C., 2013. Does strictness advance property rights and the standard of law?.Journal of Institutional Economics,9(02), pp.161-185. Haddad, Y.Y. what's more, Harb, N.N., 2014. Post-9/11: making Islam an American religion.Religions,5(2), pp.477-501. Htun, M. also, Weldon, S.L., 2012. The metro causes of dynamic arrangement change: Combating brutality against ladies in worldwide viewpoint, 19752005.American Political Science Review,106(03), pp.548-569. Klepper, A., 2014. Secondary School Students Attitudes toward Islam and Muslims: Can a Social Studies Course Make a Difference?.The Social Studies,105(3), pp.113-123. LaFree, G. what's more, Morris, N.A., 2012. Does authenticity make a difference? Mentalities toward against American savagery in Egypt, Morocco, and Indonesia.Crime Delinquency,58(5), pp.689-719. Mitchell, J.P., 2012.Promoting harmony, inducing savagery: the job of religion and media. Routledge.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A comparison of manned missions to space and robot missions essays
A correlation of kept an eye on missions to space and robot missions papers Since the Soviets put Sputnik into space, there have been numerous missions into space. Robots have done a few missions and individuals have done others. Robots don't have human judgment or the capacities fundamental for taking care of issues. Be that as it may, kept an eye on space missions are considerably more expensive than robot missions and they have more hazard. In space, there are loads of unpredicted factors and things that we don't hope to happen. Because of this, it is critical to have kept an eye on space missions. People are equipped for taking care of issues, though robots just recognize what theyve been customized to do. Apollo thirteen would have been devastated on the off chance that it were a robot, yet since it had a human group ready, it endure. They had the option to take care of their issues since they were able. Additionally, in space, it is important for on the spot judgment. People have the capacity decide, however robots can just do a restricted measure of undertakings. This is an enormous con to sending robots into space. Then again, kept an eye on missions are substantially more costly than robots. A solitary trip of the space transport costs around $420 million dollars. Moreover, kept an eye on transports need spots to remain. The International Space Station has just expense $16 billion to assemble and the cost is relied upon to reach over $40 billion. The normal cost was $8 billion. Robots are a lot less expensive. The Mars Pathfinder cost just $265 million and it brought back bunches of valuable logical information. Robots are more conservative than kept an eye on space flights. Besides, kept an eye on space missions have more serious hazard than robot missions. As on account of Apollo 1 and Apollo 13, mishaps happened on kept an eye on space missions. That puts people groups lives in peril just as space transports. In the event that a robot breakdowns or breaks by one way or another, not as much is lost. At the point when space explorers are lost, new ones must be prepared and arranged for space flight. At the point when a robot is crushed, another one can be made and any issues wi... <!
Monday, August 10, 2020
7 Stress Management Techniques for Students
7 Stress Management Techniques for Students Stress Wont be Your Enemy Any Longer When You Read These Tips Stress Wont be Your Enemy Any Longer When You Read These Tips A survey of Canadian students, reported on by the Toronto Star, found that 89% of them said they were completely overwhelmed with everything they have to do. That’s why it’s more important than ever to develop effective stress management techniques that will help you get through your busy student life. Don’t Let Stress Win With These 7 Easy Stress Management Techniques The better you can manage your stress, the easier it’ll get to stay on track and get ahead in all of your courses and activities. You’ll be happier, you can relax a bit more, and, most important of all, you get to start having fun! 1. Try Some Breathing Techniques Meditation and other breathing practices can help you de-stress because they switch the focus to your breathing, not what’s on your mind. All of your attention goes to what is happening in the very present moment, not what assignment is due and what time you have a student council meeting at. 2. Get More Exercise It might sound pretty cliche, but exercise is really good for your mind and your body. By taking some physical action when you’re stressed, you’re helping your muscles to become less tense. In turn, your body calms down and you release endorphins that make you feel better. 3. Listen to Music Make a playlist of soothing, calming songs that you love and keep it on hand when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Music has a way of soothing the soul and it will help you to feel better, at least for a short period of time. 4. Try Aromatherapy There’s a reason people are always shown in bathtubs, surrounded by scented candles, who are so relaxed thaty they are falling asleep. It’s because aromatherapy has a calming effect. Use some essential oils in a diffuser, or even just some scented candles, and take in those healing scents to detox your mind. 5. Spend Time Outside It’s no secret that being outside in nature does wonders for your stress levels. Breathing in the fresh air, taking in the natural sounds around you, and viewing the great outdoors can calm you down, lower your heart rate, and ease your mind. Even if you don’t have time to go for a walk in the park, at least go outside for a few minutes to sniff at the air. 6. Cut Back on the Caffeine If you’re constantly stressing out, you might be a victim of over-caffeination. Now, we’re not saying that caffeine isn’t healthy in itself, because it is in moderate doses. Monitor your caffeine intake and try to reduce it if it’s getting to be too much. You’ll be able to rest easier, feel more relaxed, and your sleep patterns will likely benefit as well. 7. Don’t Hold Your Feelings in A lot of us go through really busy and stressful times holding in our feelings and emotions and trying to make the outside world think that we’re okay. However, this is unhealthy and can result in even more stress on the heart and the mind. If you’re struggling, let someone know instead of trying to hide it, and you’ll see you’ll become less stressed over time. Each of our academic writers has been in your shoes and understands that, sometimes, we all need a bit of help. That’s why we offer a wide range of academic writing services, tutoring, and more. Our services are high-quality, professional, and delivered to you with the guarantee that everything is 100% custom-written just for you. Now that’s a stress-free situation! References: Winsa, P. (2013, June 17). National survey of post-secondary students in Canada shows stress and anxiety are major factors in mental health. Retrieved from 7 Stress Management Techniques for Students Stress Wont be Your Enemy Any Longer When You Read These Tips Stress Wont be Your Enemy Any Longer When You Read These Tips A survey of Canadian students, reported on by the Toronto Star, found that 89% of them said they were completely overwhelmed with everything they have to do. That’s why it’s more important than ever to develop effective stress management techniques that will help you get through your busy student life. Don’t Let Stress Win With These 7 Easy Stress Management Techniques The better you can manage your stress, the easier it’ll get to stay on track and get ahead in all of your courses and activities. You’ll be happier, you can relax a bit more, and, most important of all, you get to start having fun! 1. Try Some Breathing Techniques Meditation and other breathing practices can help you de-stress because they switch the focus to your breathing, not what’s on your mind. All of your attention goes to what is happening in the very present moment, not what assignment is due and what time you have a student council meeting at. 2. Get More Exercise It might sound pretty cliche, but exercise is really good for your mind and your body. By taking some physical action when you’re stressed, you’re helping your muscles to become less tense. In turn, your body calms down and you release endorphins that make you feel better. 3. Listen to Music Make a playlist of soothing, calming songs that you love and keep it on hand when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Music has a way of soothing the soul and it will help you to feel better, at least for a short period of time. 4. Try Aromatherapy There’s a reason people are always shown in bathtubs, surrounded by scented candles, who are so relaxed thaty they are falling asleep. It’s because aromatherapy has a calming effect. Use some essential oils in a diffuser, or even just some scented candles, and take in those healing scents to detox your mind. 5. Spend Time Outside It’s no secret that being outside in nature does wonders for your stress levels. Breathing in the fresh air, taking in the natural sounds around you, and viewing the great outdoors can calm you down, lower your heart rate, and ease your mind. Even if you don’t have time to go for a walk in the park, at least go outside for a few minutes to sniff at the air. 6. Cut Back on the Caffeine If you’re constantly stressing out, you might be a victim of over-caffeination. Now, we’re not saying that caffeine isn’t healthy in itself, because it is in moderate doses. Monitor your caffeine intake and try to reduce it if it’s getting to be too much. You’ll be able to rest easier, feel more relaxed, and your sleep patterns will likely benefit as well. 7. Don’t Hold Your Feelings in A lot of us go through really busy and stressful times holding in our feelings and emotions and trying to make the outside world think that we’re okay. However, this is unhealthy and can result in even more stress on the heart and the mind. If you’re struggling, let someone know instead of trying to hide it, and you’ll see you’ll become less stressed over time. Each of our academic writers has been in your shoes and understands that, sometimes, we all need a bit of help. That’s why we offer a wide range of academic writing services, tutoring, and more. Our services are high-quality, professional, and delivered to you with the guarantee that everything is 100% custom-written just for you. Now that’s a stress-free situation! References: Winsa, P. (2013, June 17). National survey of post-secondary students in Canada shows stress and anxiety are major factors in mental health. Retrieved from
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Blackmores Business Analysis Essay - 1260 Words
Business Analysis on, Blackmores Ltd Table of content Introduction 2 Strategic business units 3 Internal Environment 4 External environment 6 SWOT analysis 6 References 7 Introduction Blackmores Limited is an industry leader in both natural health and research, basing its principle activity on the development and marketing of health products and natural supplements; and it has been an industry leader in Australia for more than 70 years. The Company had its beginnings in the 1930s. The company currently has over 150 products, catering for all areas in natural health and vitamins.†¦show more content†¦The online market is the target for Blackmores in order to gain more market share, inform information to customer and various benefits. External environment In the VDS market, it currently face little competition from fortified food or fresh and drinks in Australia; however, the market is fragmented with plenty number of suppliers, including Blackmores, Sanofi-Aventis, Harron Pharmaceuticals and also Nature’s Way. Furthermore, the stricter legal from the government to control the items in this industry which leads limit the potential for growth in the Australian market. On the other hand, there are several factors that drive this industry. First, The level of healthcare expenditure is increasing measured by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) in this instance is of fundamental importance to the industry. Secondly, the demand for pharmaceuticals varies directly with the age of the population due to the increased risk of disease. Australia has an ageing population and as the baby boomers become older, demand for pharmaceuticals will increase (2012, Arna Richardson). Lastly, one variable indirectly influencing the level of demand for the products wholesaled by the industry is the level of generalShow MoreRelatedCompany And Preliminary Accounting Analysis946 Words  | 4 PagesIndustry, Company and preliminary Accounting Analysis Industry Analysis To start the analysis of the industry, firstly the identification of which industry Blackmores is should be made. Since Blackmores is the company which identified as the natural health company, so the industry that Blackmores involved is the health care sector. Based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), the health care sector could be broken into two broad industries: one is health care equipment and servicesRead MoreGlobal Construction Services ( Gcs ) Essay1475 Words  | 6 Pagesasset efficiency of the said companies along with a recommendation of which company would be most beneficial to invest in. The first company that has been analysed through the assignment was Blackmores Ltd, Blackmores Ltd was established in the early 1930’s by a pioneering naturopath of the name Maurice Blackmore. The naturopathic heritage has a strong influence on the way to approach health conditions and maintenance of well being drawing on the traditional use of medicine and combining it with theRead MoreCompany And Preliminary Accounting Analysis1854 Words  | 8 PagesIndustry, Company and preliminary Accounting Analysis Industry Analysis To start the analysis of the industry, firstly the identification of which industry Blackmores is should be made. Since Blackmores is the company which identified as the natural health company, so the industry that Blackmores involved is the health care sector. 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This report introduces some features of corporate communication involving stakeholderRead MoreIntroductory Accounting Assignment2279 Words  | 10 Pagesthem that may help with some of the questions. REQUIRED: You are required to obtain the 2010 Annual Report of Blackmores Limited and then answer the questions that follow in Part A and Part B. PART A – THE COMPANY (8 x 1 = 8 marks) Question 1 Describe the company’s principal operating activities. Ans: Blackmores Limited manufactures develops health products. [Ref: Blackmores AR Report August 2010, Page 2] Question 2 An auditing firm will have received remuneration for their servicesRead MoreBlackmores Ltd7582 Words  | 31 PagesTable of Contents 1 introduction 1 2 2 3 Corporation Background 3 3.1 Organization 3 3.2 Market Position 3 3.3 Government Impact 4 3.4 Description of Competitors 4 4 Capital Structure 6 4.1 Blackmores’ Current Historical Leverage 6 4.1.1 Debt to Equity Ratio 6 4.1.2 Degree of Financial Leverage and Operating Leverage 8 4.2 Capital Expenditure and Financing 9 4.3 Capital Structure Relative to Competitors 10 4.4 Bankruptcy Risk Assessment 11 4.5 Leverage PolicyRead MoreBlackmores Corporate Financial Analysis6089 Words  | 25 Pagesï » ¿1. Executive Summary Blackmores Ltd is one of the leading contenders in the Health Care sector. The company specialises in a range of products including herbal and vitamin supplements. The company has a major share in the Australian and New Zeeland’s market generating almost 85% of the revenue from this region. Blackmore’s capital structure has been analysed as requested by the Board of directors to assist them in optimizing the company’s current capital structure. Firstly, the report analyses andRead MoreAcct2127 Course Guide S2 20132393 Words  | 10 Pagesgathering and reporting that plays an important role in business decision-making. This course is specifically designed for students with little or no prior knowledge in accounting. Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development The major learning outcomes for this course is that you should have enhanced your understanding of and developed your ability to use financial, non financial and management accounting concepts and terminology in business decision-making. Successful completion of this course
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Hoover Dam - History and Construction
Dam Type: Arch GravityHeight: 726.4 feet (221.3 m)Length: 1244 feet (379.2 m)Crest Width: 45 feet (13.7 m)Base Width: 660 feet (201.2 m)Volume of Concrete: 3.25 million cubic yards (2.6 million m3) Hoover Dam is a large arch-gravity dam located on the border of the states of Nevada and Arizona on the Colorado River in its Black Canyon. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 and today it provides power for various utilities in Nevada, Arizona, and California. It also provides flood protection for numerous areas downstream and it is a major tourist attraction as it is close to Las Vegas and it forms the popular Lake Mead reservoir. History of Hoover Dam Throughout the late 1800s and into the early 1900s, the American Southwest was rapidly growing and expanding. Since much of the region is arid, new settlements were constantly looking for water and there were various attempts made to control the Colorado River and use it as a freshwater source for municipal uses and irrigation. In addition, flood control on the river was a major issue. As electric power transmission improved, the Colorado River was also looked at as a potential site for hydroelectric power. Finally, in 1922, the Bureau of Reclamation developed a report for the construction of a dam on the lower Colorado River to prevent flooding downstream and provide electricity for growing cities nearby. The report stated that there were federal concerns to building anything on the river because it passes through several states and eventually enters Mexico. To quell these concerns, the seven states within the rivers basin formed the Colorado River Compact to manage its water. The initial study site for the dam was at Boulder Canyon, which was found to be unsuitable because of the presence of a fault. Other sites included in the report were said to be too narrow for camps at the base of the dam and they too were disregarded. Finally, the Bureau of Reclamation studied Black Canyon and found it to be ideal because of its size, as well as its location near Las Vegas and its railroads. Despite the removal of Boulder Canyon from consideration, the final approved project was called the Boulder Canyon Project. Once the Boulder Canyon project was approved, officials decided the dam would be a single arch-gravity dam with the width of 660 ft (200 m) of concrete at the bottom and 45 ft (14 m) at the top. The top would also have a highway connecting Nevada and Arizona. Once the dam type and dimensions were decided, construction bids went out to the public and Six Companies Inc. was the chosen contractor. Construction of Hoover Dam After the dam was authorized, thousands of workers came to southern Nevada to work on the dam. Las Vegas grew considerably and Six Companies Inc. built Boulder City, Nevada to house the workers. Prior to constructing the dam, the Colorado River had to be diverted from Black Canyon. To do this, four tunnels were carved into the canyon walls on both the Arizona and Nevada sides beginning in 1931. Once carved, the tunnels were lined with concrete and in November 1932, the river was diverted into the Arizona tunnels with the Nevada tunnels being saved in case of overflow. Once the Colorado River was diverted, two cofferdams were constructed to prevent flooding in the area where men would be building the dam. Once completed, excavation for the foundation of Hoover Dam and the installation of columns for the arch structure of the dam began. The first concrete for Hoover Dam was then poured on June 6, 1933 in a series of sections so that it would be allowed to dry and cure properly (if it had been poured all at once, heating and cooling during day and night would have caused the concrete to cure unevenly and take 125 years to cool completely). This process took until May 29, 1935, to complete and it used 3.25 million cubic yards (2.48 million m3) of concrete. Hoover Dam was officially dedicated as Boulder Dam on September 30, 1935. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was present and most of the work on the dam (with the exception of the powerhouse) was completed at the time. Congress then renamed the dam Hoover Dam after President Herbert Hoover in 1947. Hoover Dam Today Today, Hoover Dam is used as a means of flood control on the lower Colorado River. Storage and delivery of the rivers waters from Lake Mead is also an integral part of the dams usage in that it provides reliable water for irrigation in both the U.S. and Mexico as well as municipal water uses in areas like Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Phoenix. In addition, the Hoover Dam provides low-cost hydroelectric power for Nevada, Arizona, and California. The dam generates more than four billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year and it is one of the largest hydropower facilities in the U.S. Revenue generated from power sold at Hoover Dam also pays for all of its operating and maintenance costs.Hoover Dam is also a major tourist destination as it is located only 30 miles (48 km) from Las Vegas and is along U.S. Highway 93. Since its construction, tourism was taken into consideration at the dam and all visitor facilities were built with the best materials available at the time. However, due to security concerns after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, concerns about vehicle traffic on the dam initiated the Hoover Dam Bypass project completed in 2010. The Bypass consists of a bridge and no through traffic will be allowed across.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Generation Y Free Essays
Kane (2010) declares that Xers were conceived roughly in the vicinity of 1965 and 1980. Regularly this age was raised with two-wage families, and there was a rising separation rate. Ladies joined the workforce in extensive numbers generating the time of hook key kids (as cited in Harber, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on Generation Y or any similar topic only for you Order Now Along these lines as Generation Y graduates, are particular to the general population who are overseeing them, it is apparent that a superior comprehension of the working state of mind, desires and social contrasts of the previous ages would have positive bearing on the HR yield and a superior working relations at the work environment and endeavor level. (Schweyer, 2015). All things considered, various factors past generational variables influence the hard working attitudes of representatives. For example, hard-working attitude fluctuates with instruction level, regardless of whether a man works all day or low maintenance, salary level and conjugal status (Tolbize, 2008). According to Kane (2010), Xers esteems opportunity and duty and abhorrence being miniaturized scale oversaw. They are anxious to excel, are not hesitant to change businesses, and appear to adjust well to way of life changes (as cited in Harber, 2011). Age Y, imagined in the vicinity of 1982 and 1994, is based on following their own particular manner. From an energetic age, the Millennial period was advised they able to do what they require by their exceedingly solid and attracted gatekeepers. A great part of the time, was stick squeezed with booked events and mechanical redirections, doing much tasking second character (www.ashleyellis.com, 2011). Moreover Kane (2010) considers that recent college grads were conceived roughly in the vicinity of 1980 and 2000 and have a tendency to be not the same as the more seasoned ages in that they are educated having grown up with innovation, for example, PCs, mobile phones, Blackberries, and different contraptions. They want to convey through email or by content informing and lean toward online classes and online innovation to customary address based introductions (as cited in Harber, 2011). Such an empowering working condition, in addition to other things, will likewise have coordinate bearing on the work relations at the working environment, the profitability, aggressiveness and inevitably the manageability of the undertaking versus equal organizations that neglect to manage the repercussion of generational conflicts (Schweyer, 2015). Individuals from these two ages have been included with day by day collaborations with individuals from different societies and have been presented to their societies and customs, though the more established ages have not been presented to a similar degree that individuals from Generations X and Y have. Because of the cooperation with various societies, openings can be acquainted with an association that will convey new thoughts and answers for the activities of the business (Harber, 2011). The lower the level of instruction of a representative, the higher their hard working attitude has been observed to be. The impression of how hard one functions may likewise be related with how people themselves approach undertakings also. For example, boomers have regularly been described as being process-situated, while more youthful ages, as being comes about centered, regardless of where and when the assignment is finished (Tolbize, 2008). The less hours can be considered as adaptable hours that would make a superior work or life adjust. Past ages were not the same as the Millennials on the grounds that they esteemed time at the workplace and felt that time was expected to finish occupations to help the activities of the organization (as cited in Harber, 2011). While more youthful specialists center around high profitability, they might be more joyful with the adaptability of finishing an errand at their own particular pace and dealing with their own opportunity, as long as they take care of business right and by the due date. Current exact confirmation does not address this specific point nonetheless (Tolbize, 2008). According to Kane (2010) recent college grads don’t have the craving for the most optimized plan of attack inside the corporate world. They would rather exchange high pay for less hours at the workplace (as cited in Harber, 2011). At work, they are centered around accomplishment more than cash, and will just stick over in the event that they believe they are adding to vital assignments. When they chip away at ventures, they hope to have consistent input to ensure that they are coming the correct way (www.ashleyellis.com, 2011). A careful comprehension of the conduct qualities and diverse prerequisites of every age, besides, may enormously encourage representatives and managers in work environments with multi-age blends to accommodate an all the more benevolent and community oriented workplace, where information and the experience of the past ages might be better exchanged to the more youthful ages (Schweyer, 2015). Had played in innovation from an exceptionally youthful period, the Millennials could naturally explore new, cutting edge hardware with no real expectation to learn and adapt. They enthusiastically submerge themselves in new innovation, to fabricate their expert ranges of abilities as well as to upgrade each aspect of their lives (www.ashleyellis.com, 2011) Twenty to thirty year olds esteem family life and will forfeit fiscal qualities for this interconnection with the family. By the qualities instructed to them from their families, they are hard and accomplishment situated. Twenty to thirty year olds have exclusive requirements of managers; they appreciate challenges and are not reluctant to address expert (as cited in Harber, 2011). Age Y rapidly swings to the web for learning, organizing, social communication, and excitement. Innovation is instilled in all aspects of their life, so don’t anticipate that them will close off when they get into the work environment (www.ashleyellis.com, 2011). How to cite Generation Y, Papers
Generation Y Free Essays
Kane (2010) declares that Xers were conceived roughly in the vicinity of 1965 and 1980. Regularly this age was raised with two-wage families, and there was a rising separation rate. Ladies joined the workforce in extensive numbers generating the time of hook key kids (as cited in Harber, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on Generation Y or any similar topic only for you Order Now Along these lines as Generation Y graduates, are particular to the general population who are overseeing them, it is apparent that a superior comprehension of the working state of mind, desires and social contrasts of the previous ages would have positive bearing on the HR yield and a superior working relations at the work environment and endeavor level. (Schweyer, 2015). All things considered, various factors past generational variables influence the hard working attitudes of representatives. For example, hard-working attitude fluctuates with instruction level, regardless of whether a man works all day or low maintenance, salary level and conjugal status (Tolbize, 2008). According to Kane (2010), Xers esteems opportunity and duty and abhorrence being miniaturized scale oversaw. They are anxious to excel, are not hesitant to change businesses, and appear to adjust well to way of life changes (as cited in Harber, 2011). Age Y, imagined in the vicinity of 1982 and 1994, is based on following their own particular manner. From an energetic age, the Millennial period was advised they able to do what they require by their exceedingly solid and attracted gatekeepers. A great part of the time, was stick squeezed with booked events and mechanical redirections, doing much tasking second character (www.ashleyellis.com, 2011). Moreover Kane (2010) considers that recent college grads were conceived roughly in the vicinity of 1980 and 2000 and have a tendency to be not the same as the more seasoned ages in that they are educated having grown up with innovation, for example, PCs, mobile phones, Blackberries, and different contraptions. They want to convey through email or by content informing and lean toward online classes and online innovation to customary address based introductions (as cited in Harber, 2011). Such an empowering working condition, in addition to other things, will likewise have coordinate bearing on the work relations at the working environment, the profitability, aggressiveness and inevitably the manageability of the undertaking versus equal organizations that neglect to manage the repercussion of generational conflicts (Schweyer, 2015). Individuals from these two ages have been included with day by day collaborations with individuals from different societies and have been presented to their societies and customs, though the more established ages have not been presented to a similar degree that individuals from Generations X and Y have. Because of the cooperation with various societies, openings can be acquainted with an association that will convey new thoughts and answers for the activities of the business (Harber, 2011). The lower the level of instruction of a representative, the higher their hard working attitude has been observed to be. The impression of how hard one functions may likewise be related with how people themselves approach undertakings also. For example, boomers have regularly been described as being process-situated, while more youthful ages, as being comes about centered, regardless of where and when the assignment is finished (Tolbize, 2008). The less hours can be considered as adaptable hours that would make a superior work or life adjust. Past ages were not the same as the Millennials on the grounds that they esteemed time at the workplace and felt that time was expected to finish occupations to help the activities of the organization (as cited in Harber, 2011). While more youthful specialists center around high profitability, they might be more joyful with the adaptability of finishing an errand at their own particular pace and dealing with their own opportunity, as long as they take care of business right and by the due date. Current exact confirmation does not address this specific point nonetheless (Tolbize, 2008). According to Kane (2010) recent college grads don’t have the craving for the most optimized plan of attack inside the corporate world. They would rather exchange high pay for less hours at the workplace (as cited in Harber, 2011). At work, they are centered around accomplishment more than cash, and will just stick over in the event that they believe they are adding to vital assignments. When they chip away at ventures, they hope to have consistent input to ensure that they are coming the correct way (www.ashleyellis.com, 2011). A careful comprehension of the conduct qualities and diverse prerequisites of every age, besides, may enormously encourage representatives and managers in work environments with multi-age blends to accommodate an all the more benevolent and community oriented workplace, where information and the experience of the past ages might be better exchanged to the more youthful ages (Schweyer, 2015). Had played in innovation from an exceptionally youthful period, the Millennials could naturally explore new, cutting edge hardware with no real expectation to learn and adapt. They enthusiastically submerge themselves in new innovation, to fabricate their expert ranges of abilities as well as to upgrade each aspect of their lives (www.ashleyellis.com, 2011) Twenty to thirty year olds esteem family life and will forfeit fiscal qualities for this interconnection with the family. By the qualities instructed to them from their families, they are hard and accomplishment situated. Twenty to thirty year olds have exclusive requirements of managers; they appreciate challenges and are not reluctant to address expert (as cited in Harber, 2011). Age Y rapidly swings to the web for learning, organizing, social communication, and excitement. Innovation is instilled in all aspects of their life, so don’t anticipate that them will close off when they get into the work environment (www.ashleyellis.com, 2011). How to cite Generation Y, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Management and Business Technological Context
Question: Discuss about the Management and Business Technological Context. Answer: Introduction Knowledge management is one of those significant management practices that help the business managers to create, share, and use the knowledge with other associates. Managers from different departments focus on evaluating the knowledge management procedure implemented within the organisational scenario (Sila, 2015). The existing and new employees can avail the opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills in a professional setting. On the other hand, e-commerce business is a useful way of shopping the necessary items through online sources. The study is based on the case scenario of The Iconic, which sells the fashion garments and accessories through online sites. The study will be analysing the theoretical concepts related to the knowledge management and e-commerce business. The impacts of these two business concepts will also be identified in this study. Definition of the Relevant Terms, Concepts and Theories Business managers take the responsibility to establish the knowledgeable business environment to ensure growth in this current scenario. The purpose of the knowledge management is to increase the performance parameter of the employees for maintaining the psychological balance. It helps in participating in a competitive business environment with high skills and capabilities (Menguc Barker, 2015). It is to be indicated that the organisational sustainability depends on the high performance attribute of the associated employees. in the business market that helps in If the employees can perform well, it would reflect on the annual performance report. The company would be able to earn more profitability in a competitive business environment. Therefore, it is necessary to bring more innovative procedures in the business functionalities. The knowledge management practices help in providing the proper training to the employees and make them knowledgeable about the innovative business procedu res. The Electronic Commerce is the effective and systematic business networking process. Through the electronic commerce process, the company can sell the products through the online sources. In this current era, people spend a quality of time in browsing internet and social media (Ming-Ru et al., 2014). Therefore, the e-commerce process is providing these customers a fruitful platform for purchasing their necessary items and services without visiting the outdoor stores. The study is based on the case scenario of The Iconic, which sells the fashion clothes and accessories through online channels. The official online site of the company includes individual departments from where the customers can select their preferable items. Moreover, the site even includes the necessary information for online transaction and shipping facilities. In this current scenario, these e-commerce facilities are much useful for both the companies and the customers. There are two primary types of knowledge management, such as explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge. The major focus of The Iconic is to utilise the tacit knowledge, which is procedure of transferring the knowledge through effective training and development sessions. It is reported that the company has been focusing on channelling the latest technologies for providing unrivalled access to more international and local brands (Eprints.qut.edu.au, 2016). In order to achieve this goal, it is important for the company to engage the efficient workforce who can develop such technicalities in the online systems (Buckley Ollenburg, 2013). Therefore, the company has decided to provide the fruitful training session to the employees for developing the technologies and achieving the determined goals. On the contrary, the explicit knowledge management is the method of availing opportunities for understanding and gathering knowledge about the service process. The company needs to gather the information and feedback from the customers as well as the internal stakeholders. If the management of the company can understand the basic needs and demands of the internal and external stakeholders, it would be beneficial enough in improving the business functionalities. The application of tacit knowledge by The Iconic is quite effective for the e-commerce business. The company is focusing on the technological development to improve their online shopping sites and get access to numerous brands. Hence, it is necessary to develop knowledge of the employees through the training and development process. However, it is also necessary for the company to pay attention towards the customers demands that will help in restructuring the business functionalities. Effects of Knowledge Management and e-commerce business Process In this current era of business market, knowledge management and e-commerce business have the significant impacts on the business practices. The associated pros and cons will be described in the further section of the study. E-commerce business is one of the most helpful sources of dragging people from different geographic locations. It is noted that the e-commerce business is much wider and vast. People from different location and diverse cultures can get access to the necessary items and services through the online sources (Obeidat et al., 2016). The Iconic has occupied the significant position in the online business market. People from diversified geographic location can order the preferable items through online sources (Theiconic.com.au, 2016). The efficient shipping services are also available in the websites. Systematic Maintenance of the Services through Knowledge Management Knowledge management is a procedure of maintaining a systematic approach, which helps in keeping balance among the employees. For example, The Iconic has applied the tacit knowledge within the organisational scenario. It provides the necessary training and development sessions to the employees and makes them aware of the necessary technologies used for e-commerce business (Wang, Noe Wang 2014). It is somewhat works as the motivating factor for the employees, which generates the sense of job satisfaction through learning and development process. E-commerce business is much useful in this current business environment. It is quite difficult for the business companies to get direct access to the feedbacks of the customers. The service providers need to be dependent on the telecommunication process to contact the registered customers (Marra, Ho Edwards 2012). Collecting the feedback becomes much difficult for the service providers since it lacks the transparency. While implementing the knowledge management practices, The Iconic needs to pay the significant attention towards the business functionalities. The application of the knowledge management procedure helps in gathering the fruitful ideas about the business process (Hislop, 2013). There are some of the risks factors associated with the implementation of knowledge management. It is much difficult for the business managers to manage the employees while undertaking these initiatives. Challenges emerge when the employees are not fully aware of the importance of knowledge management training process. It sometimes generates the sense of job insecurity due to the changes in organisational functionalities. Hence, it is necessary for The Iconic to maintain proper efficiency level that will convince the employees to take the active participation in this business activity. Lack of proper operational skills In time of establishing the e-commerce business, it is essential for the employees to apply the proper skills and competency level for the operational activities. In such cases, the application of the knowledge management is much essential. The Iconic tends to provide the effective training and development session to the employees for upgrading the technical skills. In fact, it is essential for them to make the employees aware of the business essentialities and other fruitful concerns (Chua Banerjee, 2013). The lack of proper operational skills can affect the business procedure much significantly. In order to develop the knowledge management procedure, it is necessary to select the relevant strategy that will assimilate the employees for improving business. The business management firstly needs to focus on the business requirements. The business functionalities are structured based on the demands of the stakeholders (Aggestam, 2015). Accordingly, while implementing theoretical practices, it is necessary for the company to concentrate on the suitable knowledge management theory. The application of the wrong theory will affect the business functions in a significant manner. Instability of the economic growth The fluctuation in the domestic and international economic market also has the significant impacts on the business functions. In order to derive a large amount of profit, the company requires focusing on the sufficient capital investments (Sila, 2015). Investing the sufficient amount in structuring the infrastructure would be helpful enough for the company to conduct the business. Accordingly, the instable growth in the economic structure is much impactful for the business progress in this current business environment. The concerns on these areas are ensuring much limitation for the company. The maintenance of the economic flexibility would be helpful for The Iconic to establish the e-commerce business more significantly. Conclusion The effects of the current business scenario signify many challenges for the business companies. The Iconic is a renowned fashion retail e-commerce business, which has selected the effective knowledge management practices to ensure the organisational growth. It is necessary for the company to develop the proper training and development session to mitigate the emerging risks. In fact, it is even necessary to concentrate on the investments of the sufficient capita; resources that will be helpful enough in managing the necessary infrastructure. References Aggestam, L. (2015). Learning Organization or Knowledge ManagementWhich Came First, The Chicken or the Egg? Information technology and control,35(3). Buckley, R., Ollenburg, C. (2013). Tacit knowledge transfer: Cross-cultural adventure.Tourism Tribune,23(10), 87-92. Chua, A. Y., Banerjee, S. (2013). Customer knowledge management via social media: the case of Starbucks.Journal of Knowledge Management,17(2), 237-249. Eprints.qut.edu.au, (2016). A Structurationist review of knowledge management theories [online] Available at: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/10104/1/10104_2.pdf [Accessed 17 Jan. 2017]. Hislop, D. (2013).Knowledge management in organizations: A critical introduction. Oxford University Press. Marra, M., Ho, W., Edwards, J. S. (2012). Supply chain knowledge management: A literature review.Expert systems with applications,39(5), 6103-6110. Menguc, B., Barker, T. A. (2015). The Role of Human Capital Resources in Rent Generation and Rent Appropriation: Implications for Knowledge Management Process. InAssessing the Different Roles of Marketing Theory and Practice in the Jaws of Economic Uncertainty(pp. 37-37). Springer International Publishing. Ming-Ru, Z., Yang, C. C., Ho, S. Y., Chang, C. H. (2014). A study on Enterprise under Globalization Competition Knowledge Management and Creation Overhead Construction.Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics,17(5-6), 423-433. Obeidat, B. Y., Hashem, L., Alansari, I., Tarhini, A., Al-Salti, Z. (2016). The effect of knowledge management uses on total quality management practices: A theoretical perspective.Journal of Management and strategy,7(4), 18. Sila, I. (2015). The state of empirical research on the adoption and diffusion of business-to-business e-commerce.International Journal of Electronic Business,12(3), 258-301. Theiconic.com.au, (2016). About THE ICONIC - Australia's Online Fashion Retailer. [online] Theiconic.com.au. Available at: https://www.theiconic.com.au/about/ [Accessed 17 Jan. 2017]. Wang, S., Noe, R. A., Wang, Z. M. (2014). Motivating knowledge sharing in knowledge management systems a quasifield experiment.Journal of Management,40(4), 978-1009.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
Food and Price Tags Essay
Food and Price Tags Essay Food and Price Tags Essay Thrift Shop Observation On Friday January 24, I visited both Et. Cetera shops in downtown Norman. My first stop was the store on State Street. Immediately upon entering the store, I was greeted by Dr. Simpson. She welcomed me and another student with a friendly smile and was very pleasant. The place then felt opened and inviting. She offered to take us to the Main Street store. Immediately I heard contemporary up beat Christian music that was very nice and I found myself engaging in singing as well. The store was nicely lit and there were some ceiling fans that were on –medium speed. Children were playing on the floor and a man sitting at the front door what appeared to be a bench waiting while his significant other shop. I had no intention of purchasing anything because I was there only observe the facility. With the warm welcoming and the music playing I found myself wanting to purchase something even if I did not need anything. I continued to looked around and departments assorted clothing items. I saw one rack on the right side of wedding attire near the window. What I did notice there were no clothing, crafts or miscellaneous items on the floor. I entered the room labeled shoes at the doorway and seen outdoor wear including leather coats and outerwear. There were numerous price tags with an array and assortment of colors ranging from red to pink and yellow attached to the item of sale with plastic fasteners. As I shop around, I saw the fabric mostly discounted with yellow tags. I love what-knots and seen patterns near the fabric and a lot of house wares, incomplete china piece, and games and children safety items. I fell in love with floral arrangement and swags and purchased two items. My classmate purchased a bag hanging on a wall for one dollar. Prior to checking out I saw a large window prior to entering the room where I came in and a fire door labeled employees only. The large window I assume was a window in which staff and volunteers can observe s hoppers but the shoppers of unaware of their presence. I saw the kitchen area with a volunteer just had entered that room. The last thing that I notice was a showcase if what was supposed to be valuables, a lot of it was a Christmas figurine and I did not notice any price tags on those items. I paid for my items with a thank you from Dr. Simpson. She smiled and thanked us for coming in and my classmate and I went to main street Store. The surroundings and the outside of the building were new. I parked in front of the store. I entered the Main Street store and the place was well lit inside. No music was playing and no one greeted us. Behind the counter were two female employees or volunteers. On my left upon entering the doorway was old Southern living magazines were tied up in bundles and a table with half price items on it. I was out of cappuccino, so I purchases a package of English toffee marked $5.79. I immediately looked to the right and saw a table of pink items. I t hought at first glance it was Christmas items. As I began to think about the next holiday, I realized it was an assortment of Valentine Day stuff. Moving right alone I saw two-three shelves of Christmas items/ dà ©cor and they all were priced with red tags on them. I assume since Christmas was over they would be on sale. The next array of items was neatly arranged on the floor were baby items: strollers, mattresses, car seats and other necessities. I continued to walk down the aisles and came upon sheets and curtains neatly displayed on roundtables on hangers with assorted price tags on them. On the back wall was a small section of Christmas and floral swags with pink and red price tags attached. I passed in front of the ladies talking, they ceased talking when I passed in front of them and I greeted them. I saw a microwave on the counter and I noticed my classmate face was enlightened. He was excited about it and another customer walked up to me smiling and stated
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Ethics in Flatliners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ethics in Flatliners - Essay Example Flatliners is one of the movies that depict the theme of ethics among other themes. Flatliners explores the issue of life and death in an articulate and ingenious way. The characters in the movie, led by Nelson seek to experience life after death by â€Å"flatlining.†The whole experience by Nelson and his medical students is centered on ethics. At one instance, Rachel Manus told Julia Roberts that she is doing much better. This paper briefly discusses why it was ethical for Rachel Manus to say that.The scenario happened when Manus was treating Julia as one of her patients. Manus, a medical student with Nelson, was mandated to oversee the recovery of patients. It happened that one of the patients, Julia, was struggling with recovery. In their conversation, Manus told Julia that she was doing much better in recovery. Although Julia was not on the best route to recovery, Manus encouraged her. This was an ethical approach. It is undeniable that telling the truth is one of the pri mary codes of ethics, especially in the professional field. However, there are times when the truth will do more harm than good. For instance, telling patients that they are not likely to recover from an illness will surely jeopardize their recovery. Therefore, it is ethical to give them encouraging words that would stimulate recovery even when there is little hope. In this context, Manus was ethically justified to tell Julia Roberts that she was doing much better. This is because she had good intentions when she was saying the words.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
WEEK 1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
WEEK 1 - Coursework Example Laws are necessary because it is almost impossible to put together large groups of people without governing them by a standard set of generally accepted concepts and behavior. Without laws, people will be free to do anything they want without consideration for other people around them. Absence of laws will create inequality, because everyone will merely be governed by â€Å"instincts,†where only the strong and powerful can survive. For example, in history, when the populations of the colonies began to grow, the differences between these colonies grew as well (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 7). These differences, when not contained properly, or channeled effectively, will cause chaos among people and cause deterioration to the structure of a society. The nation was founded on the idea of societal cohesiveness, that is â€Å"one nation, with liberty and justice for all†(Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 15). The negative effect of pluralism is the problem of vast differences among people who, despite belonging to different groups, still try to live with each other in peace and order. Differences in ideas, beliefs, and even culture makes it harder to formulate a constitution that is fit and just for everyone involved. Framers of the Constitution recognized that the people are the power (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 15), and if the people are the power, then there will be several â€Å"powers†to consider when framing the laws that will benefit everyone. From a personal viewpoint, it must have been quite hard to welcome diversity based on the want for equality for all. There must have been a thin line between suppression and exploitation of the differences of each group, and structuring a society that is fit for everyone. In looking at the Boston Tea Party, it could be said that it was a success. It provoke such reaction from Great Britain,which prompted the King to pass â€Å"intolerable acts†to the people. These acts were a) restrictions to town meetings, b)
Sunday, January 26, 2020
State The Meaning Of Psalm 23 By Exegesis Religion Essay
State The Meaning Of Psalm 23 By Exegesis Religion Essay The aim of this assignment is to state the meaning of Psalm 23 by exegesis and analysing it. Exegesis comes from a Greek word that means to guide out, It is the process of going to the text to determine what it means, and to draw out the correct interpretation. [1] Shepherd The psalm is poetry and is transformed into simple metaphors employing that it is God who is the shepherd. The metaphor of the Shepherd in found in verse 1 of the psalm, the Lord is my Shepherd. King David of Israel is said to have written at least half of the psalms within the book of the Old Testament as well as this one. [2] David found it appropriate to write this psalm because he was a shepherd, and describes his work as a shepherd protecting caring and delivering the sheep from all form of attack. In addition to this David relates the work of the shepherd to the work of God (1.Sam 17: 34-37). The Hebrew word for shepherding is translated feeding. Sheep are completely dependent on the shepherd for provision, guidance, and protection. The shepherd takes care of the sheep, he even carried weak lambs in their arms (Isa.40:11) they led the sheeps to pasture and water protecting them from wild animals and dangerous places. They also guard their flocks at night whether in the open (Luke 2:8) or in sheepfolds. [3] Shepherds come to designate not only a person who herded sheep but also kings (2 Sam. 5:2). Later Israel prophets referred to Israels leaders as shepherds. Some New Testament references used a shepherd and the sheep to illustrate Christs relationship to His followers who referred to Him as the great Shepherd of the sheep (Heb.13:20). Jesus also spoke of himself as the good shepherd who knew His sheep and would lay down His life for them (John 10:7-18). Verse 1- 4 The opening of the first four verses establishes the dominant theme for the psalm as a whole and contains a metaphor; where by in verse one the Lord is called Shepherd and the Psalmist is a sheep belonging to His flock. The psalmist used a simple language for the use of the shepherd metaphor, which can be understood by all living in a world where land was dotted with sheep and shepherds. The distinctiveness in the opening words of this psalm lies in the use of the pronoun, my shepherd which gives a personal association with the shepherd. The fact that the Lord is his shepherd the psalmist can say I shall not wan, here the psalmist is saying as long as the Lord is my shepherd I shall lack for nothing, this recall Gods provision for His people during their forty years travelling through the wilderness as Moses stated in (Deut. 2:7), you have lacked nothing. In verse two the psalmist paints a scene of abundant life in three descriptive statements each speaking of the shepherd in the third person and employing and imperfect verb form. All three images emphasize the shepherds role as provider. First of all the psalmist says, He makes me lie down in green pastures, secondly He leads me beside still waters. The palmist speaks in confidence of the Lords guidance and provision. As the shepherd leads his sheep in pleasant places full of all the necessities of life, green pastures of grass experiencing plenty, quiet peaceful stream which provides water for drinking. Grass and water are the sheeps source of life, and the shepherd knows how to find them both and leads the hungry, thirsty sheep to them. Within verse three he writes, He restores my soul He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake. He chooses the right paths that are right with him, making sense to him. In this He acts for His names sake, in accordance with His revealed character. Paths of righteousness take on the meaning of a way of life fulfil Gods expectation for his follower. The sheep are not left to their own devices but are led by the shepherd to take the right path, that is the one that gets the sheep where he need to go. The shepherd (God) acts in a way that reveal and confirms his character and nature. To have a name is to bear a good reputation, the shepherd (God) acts to benefit of the sheep, in a way that is consistent with the nature His name reveals. In verse four the palmist says, Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Here the psalmist moves to a description of fearful threat he purposefully emphasise the danger and threat that confront the flock. Shadow of death is really deepest darkness which includes the darkness of death, but in these experiences the he of (v1-3) becomes the you, significant of closer person touch, and the leader (v2) comes alongside (with me). The darker the shadow the closer the Lord! The psalmists confidence rests in the fact even in the shadow of death itself, he need fear no evil, confidence is found in Gods protection described in the metaphor as the shepherds rod and staff. The rod possibly signifies protection; and the staff, possibly support. According to Craigie the Palestinian shepherd normally carried two implements, a cub or rod to fend of wild beasts and a crook or staff to guide and con trol sheep. [4] Despite the oppressive and threatening setting the psalmist sheep is unafraid. The psalmist reasons for fear fade in the presence of the shepherd (God). Verse 5 6 From verse five the metaphor changes to that of a host and his guest, the role of the shepherd no longer dominates. God is no longer seen as a shepherd but assumes the role as a host, preparing a table with food and drink, and anointing the head of the visitor. The psalmist is no longer a sheep but a person; who is honoured by God in the presence of the enemy. [5] The picture is one of the realisations of ultimate communion with God. Verse five says, You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil my cup overflows. The word table continues the metaphor and is to be understood as God spreading a table, a banquet celebrating Gods provision and protection. One can assume from this that the psalmist had endured affliction in the past at the hand of enemies and had risen above the affliction in confidence, and as he anticipates the future, he has no illusions; there would still be enemies, but Gods provisions would come even in the present of those enemies. The anointing of the head with oil is the custom of hospitality by a gracious host or to an anointed king; in (Luke 7:44-46) Simons failure not to do so was recognised as a deliberate insult to Jesus; the overflowing cup which the psalmist drank from is a symbol of the hosts generosity. To sit at Gods table is to enjoy fellowship and communion with Him, and to do so in the presence of your enemies is to have a special relati onship with Him, receiving blessings and protection under His care while the enemy looks on, powerless to do you harm. The psalm gives closure in verse six as the psalmist says, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. This goodness and love will continue as long as life last and beyond. The psalmist looks forward in confidence to dwelling in the house of God for ever. In regard to the house of the Lord (the temple), this places the psalm in the context of worship, it gives an example of a hyperbole which is an exaggeration to make a point, the psalmist is not going to move into the temple to live the rest of his days. He means that he will spend the rest of his days in the presence of God in worship and praise remaining always in His caring and effective presence. To dwell with God is an image of eternal security and ongoing relationship. God offer the hope necessary to sustain through rough times, remembrance of the past and anticipation of the future, provides the necessity to bind the two halves of psalm 23 together. Conclusion The psalmist expression is one of confidence dependence and trust. God is presented not only as a shepherd who guides, protects, and leads you of the right path, but also as host who provides in the mist of life. In verse 2-3 he shows the shepherd leading his sheep into abundant life, verse 4 shows show the shepherd providing for His sheep with secure life. Verse 5 shifts and the shepherd shows God blessing on the trusting faithful, verse 6 ends with the expression of confidence. As the Lord is the good shepherd, so we are his sheep, not frightened, passive animals, but obedient followers, wise enough to follow one who will lead us in the right place and in the right way. This psalm does not focus on the animal-like qualities of sheep but on the discipleship qualities of those who follow. When you recognise the good shepherd, follow him! The psalm inspired us, comfort us, correct us and God is seen as a caring shepherd, and a dependable guide and host.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Information Speech Outline
Brooke Miller Information Speech Outline Specific Purpose: I want my audience to learn about child abuse and how it is different from corporal punishment. Thesis Statement: Physical child abuse and corporal punishment are two different things. It is important to know the difference between the two because all children deserve to be safe. Introduction I. In 2005, 3. 6 million children were investigated by Child Protective Services as victims of maltreatment, 899,000 children were found to be abused or neglected, and 1,460 children died from abuse. 76. 6% of those children who died were 4 years old or younger.II. These are some pictures of child abuse victims. These are some of the things that each of us should be aware of in order to protect our children, or the children in our families. III. I have done research through books, as well as online articles. I will be able to inform you what child abuse actually is, and be able to answer any questions that you might have about this topic as well. IV. Physical child abuse is an issue that deserves everyone’s attention. Everyone who has a child in their family needs to know the difference between abuse and punishment, because all children deserve to be safe.Transition: First, I will start by informing you of the definition of physical child abuse. Body I. Physical abuse is defined as acts of commission that result in physical harm, including death of a child. A. Examples of physical abuse and injuries B. Examples of sexual abuse C. Examples of neglect II. The definition of corporal punishment is inflicting bodily pain on a child as a response to misbehaving and preventing a repetition of the behavior in the future. A. Examples of corporal punishment B. Hawaii Case C. North Dakota Case III.There are signs that each of us need to be aware of in order to protect our children, and/or the children in our families A. Signs of physical abuse B. Signs of sexual abuse C. Signs of neglect IV. It is important to be able to get the abused child to talk to you about the abuse; hopefully you are able to save the child before the abuse leads to death. A. How to get the child to talk to you B. Ways the abuse can lead to death Transition: Now that you know abuse is definitely different from corporal punishment, I’m just going to review the information I have given you today.Conclusion I. You all now know what physical abuse is, and what corporal punishment is. You know the signs to look so you know whether or not the child is actually being abused. You know some ways to help you get the abused child to talk to you so you are able to help them before the abuse continues, or possibly leads to death. II. So, remember there are nearly one million children abused every year, and there is something that each one of us can do to save a child from being continually abused.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Different Ways of Learning Languages Essay
Being able to speak more than one language I think it’s a gift from God that not every person is blessed with. Having this gift makes me fell very special because I can travel, communicate, and understand others’ people language and culture. At a very young age I started learning French, German and Italian besides my native language, Romanian. Learning a language to me in learning how to ride a bicycle, once you get it going it’s hard to stop. I learned them the natural way without trying or putting to much effort. To me, learning English it was much easier than the other languages I have studied. When I came to America I didn’t speak English at all and I thought that it would take a long time before I learn anything. To be successful learning a new language you must want to learn it, because if you don’t and not interested in you’ll never get it. At the very early stages of learning a language I think going by the book it is not a very good idea. At the beginning you need as much practice as you can get. In my case television played a major role in learning English. Watching TV and trying to understand the conversation helped me improve my vocabulary and pronunciation at the same time. Reading magazines and articles in the newspapers is another way to approach a new language. This way you learn the spelling of words and can look up in the dictionaries for words that couldn’t be understood. Another thing that helped me was being surrounded by people that only spoke English. Having almost no contact with people that spoke Romanian, forced me learn faster than some people. Communicating with others helps also. Making mistakes and having other people correct you helps and improves your skills. The best way to learn is learning from mistakes. Some people are afraid and embarrassed of speaking in front of others. This only holds them back and keeps them away from learning because there is nobody to correct them if necessary. When you want to get deeper into a language you must concentrate on grammar and vocabulary. This is the key of being successful as well as thinking in the target language. Translating from one language to another is a waste of time because you’ll never be good enough. Learning languages it has always been fun for me. I never looked at it as a must but more as a hobby. Learning a new language, to me, is like discovering a new side of me that has been kept in dark for to long and waited to be taken out.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Contrasting Outlooks in Dream of the Rood and The...
Differing Outlooks in Dream of the Rood and The Wanderer Outlook defines our perception of reality. The characters in Dream of the Rood and The Wanderer maintain opposed perspectives that greatly influence the way they view their common state of desolation. The dreamer and the Cross in Dream of the Rood embrace a religious ideology that gives them hope, whereas the earth-walker in The Wanderer embraces an existential view that leaves him to suffer his loneliness. The characters differing outlooks greatly influence how they view their exile, their ultimate destination, and the journey to this destination, their homecoming. The characters of both works face exile: the dreamers friends have gone hence from the†¦show more content†¦The dreamer, like those who endured fire, is renewed with hope, and is joyful (Rood 21). He trusts in a higher power, and anticipates rejoining his friends who he believes are in heaven with God. Though it might have felled all foes, the Cross endured its exile bravely in the presence of the Lord. It is mocked with him, drenched with his blood, and laden with his sorrows, and when Christ was dismounted from it, the Cross, as well as Christ, bowed to the mens hands (Rood 20). The Cross, despite its fate, is patient and humble like Christ, and while Christ is redemption, the Cross is a symbol of that journey to heaven: the Cross shall the kingdom be sought by each soul on this earthly journey that thinks to dwell with the Lord (Rood 21). The loss of his friends and the lord of his mead-hall, however, devastate the earth-walker. While the dreamer and the Cross have God to protect them from the cruelty of exile, the earth-walker is inconsolably forlorn. He speaks of how cruel a companion sorrow is to the man who has no beloved protectors. The earth-walker is bereft of all of the joys of earth, and unlike the Cross and the dreamer, he has no one in whom to seek comfort. For him, no joy on earth means no joy at all; for him all delight has gone (Wanderer 69). The characters common state of exile imposes a theme of homecoming upon the Dream of the Rood and The
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